Do You Really Need To Use React.js?

Is react good for beginners?

2 min readJan 11, 2021

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

A while ago, I started discovering react,

Back then, I didn`t know a lot about it, but I heard that react is amazing.

After a while I can say I know a lot better about how react works, and how react is in general.

Is React Really So Good?

I really like react, as a person that is coding in python, I liked that every element can be an object, function or script.

Lets say you want to make a “todo” list WebApp,

In react you are going to have the project structure like this:

— App.js

— TodoList.js

— TodoItem.js

React is not for beginners,

if you are a beginner, that knows some html, css and a small or basic level of javascript, I don’t think you need to use react because react is little hard to learn if you don’t know or not good at functions and classes.

for what types of apps/websites it better to use react?

If you are building an app with number of dynamics, servers and actions, for example WebApps with chats, maps, users, posts and more… react can be a good option.

For another types of websites (portfolio, blogs…)

I don’t think you need react (unless you love react, and the way it works, you can definitely use it!).


React is good framework, but I think you need at least 4 months of programming experience for learning and understanding it.




programming in python, javascript, html, css and more...